Wine shops / Jerez de la Frontera
Urbanización Divina Pastora Bloque 1, local 3, Jerez de la Frontera
+34 956 335 184
A company dedicated to the promotion and sale of sherry and Tierra de Cádiz wines, a passion converted in profession since 1995.
In the wine shop, situated in Jerez de la Frontera, you can find casks, venencias, catavinos, wine-glass holders and other wine accessories. They also stock a range of local craft objects and souvenirs.
Customers can taste different types of wine in the shop, surrounded by hundreds of bottles, casks and the endless stories lying between its walls. The philosophy behind “La Cata” is a very simple one: to compare experience and years of curiosity in small groups, be they of professionals or beginners, wishing to delve deeper into this fascinating world.
La Casa del Jerez offers wine and food pairings, a new language, using your senses to travel back and identify raw materials and later the practices of each house that bestow their soul on this magical wine.
Sale of Brandy, Vinegar and Wines of Cádiz
Sherry tasting
Craft objects and souvenirs